Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Feliz Seis de Mayo!

Okay so here's the plan:  I want you to tell me when you think Elise will be born & how big she'll be.  I would do the standard poll, but I want to know who's guessing what so I can give the evil eye to those of you who guess June 15th and 12 lbs  :)  

Commence commenting.....


  1. May 28
    7lbs 11oz

  2. May 19
    7 lb. 15 oz.

    (haha, the first commenter is "anonymous!") =)

    Oh, and by the way, just about EVERYone at my shower said Callie would come long after April 2nd...bummer, but they were right! It's fun to give the evil eye, though, I agree! =)

  3. May 31st; 9 lbs, 14 oz.

    hehe...anonymous I am!

  4. Dear Anonymous Ones,

    You annoy me! The whole point of doing a non-standard poll was so I can see who is guessing what! I would not be surprised if at least one of you is my husband. Grrrrr.


  5. I'm going to guess:
    June 1st 9lbs 2oz
    (That has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? I don't want to get the evil eye)

    What do I get if I win? ;) Can it be a picture of you, me, and sweet Elise?

  6. I'm going to say May 26, 8 lb 6 oz. :) Can we change our predictions after your ultrasound?

  7. Yes, Jenna, the winner gets a one-on-one photo op with Elise. Now that's just too good to be true! haha

    And Heidi - I will allow you to alter your prediction after viewing the ultrasound pics if you so choose :)

    I think I'm going to guess May 26 as well - I don't know why, but that's my guess.

  8. I am going to say June 4 and 9 lbs 3 oz. Because June 4th is my brother's b-day and he turned out pretty good! Also, I have heard the first ones like to stick around for a while but I have absolutely no experience at all! :)

  9. June 2nd, because that is a Tuesday
    8lbs 18oz, because that is more than 7lbs

  10. Someone's gotta guess long....let's see, you were 10 days late, right?! So I'll go with June 15 at 10lbs 3oz!! ;o)
    But you know I'm rooting for May!! Really I'd like May 31! A perfect Sunday morning baby at 8lbs 14oz!
