Monday, May 25, 2009

38 week video

I thought I would post a video of baby Elise doing some kicking & rolling before she arrives & you can see her in person (thus making said video irrelevant).  Watch for the kicking at the bottom left of the screen - on the left side of my belly.  It felt like rapid fire movements.  I wonder if it means she'll be an Olympic sprinter.....


  1. BAHHHHHH! im totally creeped out.

    i do, however, vow to love her once she has emerged from your womb :)

  2. That has always been my favorite part of pregnancy! How fun! And it only gets better!

  3. That's the coolest thing I've ever seen!

  4. It hurts to know I shall never experience such...

    ...okay, maybe not really, but that is pretty cool! If they have it their way Bryan and Peter will have her training for the Olympics in no time, I'm sure. lol

  5. I love that part of being pregnant. Just amazing. Are you willing to post one last pregnancy pic? :) I did it for you!!!

  6. First sorry we didn't get to see each other. The race ended later than I thought it would and then we managed to get stuck in a traffic jam that got us lots way after all the traffic should have been cleared out. Go figure.

    Very cool video post, thanks for showing. I can't even imagine how weird that must feel. Can't wait to hear all about Elise's arrival. Keep us posted!!


  7. How did I miss this?! I, too, miss that part of being pregnant---what an absolutely amazing feeling. I tried to remember what it felt like the other day, but it's hard to remember! =( I can't wait to meet your little squishy baby girl!
