Sunday, March 29, 2009


So I'm pulling a Stacy Salvatori and wondering if this blog is even worth doing, since I base the success of said blog on comments!  I can count on my faithful Swoveland family readers, but aside from that I already feel this may be completely pointless :(  Stacy, where you at?!  And what about all you other people?  Come on now!

Anyway, as you can see, I posted my 30-week pregnancy pic.  I'm feeling like a big blob, so I can't even imagine what being 40 weeks pregnant will be like!! AGH!  I will cross that bridge when I get to it (that is, if I'm physically capable of crossing bridges at that point).  I go a week from Monday for my next check-up... it will be my 32-week appt (which really should be on that Friday in order to be the "official" 32-week appt, but that just didn't work out).  It seems like being in the "30's" should mean more exciting stuff happens at these appointments, but I guess nothing interesting even goes on until 36 weeks or later.  And by "interesting" I actually mean "invasion of personal space" but whatever.  

I just got invitations to 2 of my showers (yay!) and they are both soooo cute!  I just love the way the invitations turned out and can't wait to have them in a scrapbook one of these days.  I always feel uncomfortable being the center of attention (bridal showers, the wedding itself, birthday parties, etc), but I know it'll be so much fun anyway because I can count it as being for Elise and not for me  :)  Plus, I can't wait to see all the adorable stuff SHE gets  :)   (Is that selfish?)

Okay I'm done with this boring post - You are dismissed & hereby ordered to leave a comment.  


  1. So, just because we "Swoveland's" are reliable readers, we don't count as much as the other people??? =) This is COMPLETELY worth doing, trust me! If you look back to my archives, you'll note that I blogged maybe twice during my pregnancy with Callie, and really didn't start up again for real until she was 4 months old. Just wait until Elise gets here, you will have so much to blog about you'll barf! (OK, that just came out, I don't know what it means, but whatev...) Love you! ("and your pretty little blog, too!" hahaha

  2. You better not stop posting because lack of response! You stalked me for a long time and never left a response, just think of the others stalking you! : ) And I saw your 30 weeks pic, and you make me want to vomit. By 30 weeks I had to be rolled everywhere, so I DON'T want to hear it from you! Love your blog girl!!

  3. Sooooooo.....I left a comment and have yet to see the requested response. *shakes fist*

  4. I read your blog!!! Plus, I don't think you should make the conclusion that people aren't reading your blog when you've only posted like 4 times! :) Comment on mine and I'll comment on yours :)

  5. no worries...I've been blogging since Nov '07 and no one has ever left a single comment on my blog. (Wow, is that embarrassing.) :(

    Anyway, I do it because it is fun to look back at what I was doing and how I felt about certain things. Plus with a sweet little baby in your life you'll have lots of moments to write about and many years down the road I'm sure you'll be glad you did. :)

    Enjoy your bridal much fun!

