Friday, March 27, 2009

30 week appt & condo showing....

I had my 30-week appt today... everything's looking good and going well.  The baby's heart rate was 144, I measured 31 cm, and I'm up 29 lbs (aghhhh!!!)  :)  Some skinny pregnant chick came trotting into the waiting room wearing size 2 jeans, a cute sweater, and some XS top from wet seal.  I about puked.  But that's okay - I'm only 80 lbs heavier than she.  Haha!  I'm just glad I'll be having a summer baby so we can both get outside and walk walk walk.  That'll be great!

On a non-pregnancy related note:  Someone is coming to see our condo today.  Yay!  This is showing #2 (different people looking, though) so it's still exciting to get the place all ready to go.  I just wonder how many more months (dare I say years????) this will go on until it finally sells.  The actual thought of moving is sad, cause I LOVE living in our condo and LOVE downtown...  but I know we need to be in a house for practicality's sake.  And that will be lots of fun, too.  I just know I'll miss this place once the whole process is over.  That being said, please be praying anyway that the right buyer will come at the right time.

Well I guess I'll pack up the dogs (sounds like I'm putting them in a suitcase) and hit the road.  Thanks for "listening" and praying!


  1. Happy 30 weeks! I will be praying about the showing today, and you need to add some more pictures, especially to your posts. Belly shots, perhaps? (Thank you, btw, for putting the ones of you & P, and Brie & Lucy up). =)

  2. Well, I must admit, you're doing pretty well at keeping up with the blogging... so far! :0) And of course, Tessa is cute... hee hee. Your silly blog is on my list, I just wanted to make sure it was worthy first... AND I guess there's nothing I can do about your perpetual need to start rumors... just make sure they are really good! I'll look forward to hearing what's going on in my life!

    It's nice to have you as a blogging friend now!
